ofxARDrone & ofxARDroneOscBridge

C++ openFrameworks addon and OSC Bridge to interface with and control Parrot AR Drone QuadCopters.

Does not use the official SDK in any way. Instead it re-implements the open network communication protocol (as outlined in the official documentation) using the standard openFrameworks ofxNetwork addon. As such, ofxARDrone addon has no dependencies and will compile and run on any platform that can compile and run ofxNetwork (i.e. currently all openFrameworks platforms).







OSC Bridge

C++ openFrameworks addon and standalone application to act as an OSC Bridge to send and receive OSC data between a <a href=”http://ardrone2.parrot.com/” target=”_blank”>Parrot AR Drone QuadCopter</a> and any other application. This could be any custom application (e.g. processing, openframeworks, cinder, vvvv, max/msp, puredata etc) or even any off-the-shelf application that supports OSC (e.g. vdmx, modul8, resolume, ableton etc). In this video, a Quartz Composer application communicates with ofxARDroneOscBridge which communicates with the actual ARDrone.



Released under the MIT License